Tuesday, May 14

7* Picture

Ok, I did not found any good picture to show so I will use that one à
This happened one summer ago, in 2012; when I was a little obsessed with my cats. I was after them all the time to take good pictures and then post it on facebook… now that I recognize it sounds super weird… What I love the most about it, It’s the fact, that it really look like it was taken by a professional photographer, something really strange just because it was taken for me, using my “new” camera… which is already broken.
This was when, as you already though; I had a lot of free time and nothing to do with it. As well as I was alone in my home at 10 am because of my mother’s work, so I used to pursuit my cat sometimes.
Well, its name now is Rafael –Rafi, Siri Rá, Rafito, Rufi- , it’s one year and a half (I think), and it’s the most stronger of all my cats… he is completely black, one of my ninjas. 

5* Blog Correction


Tuesday, May 7

6* Environmental Issues

As we all know, our planet –Earth- had been affected for the excess of carbon dioxide, producing “the greenhouse effect”. But, what kind of consequences brings all of this? Are we all affected because of this? Let me tell you, there are some lucky individuals that improve their development with the increase of this gas. Trees
The increase of carbon dioxide, because of industrialization, has been affecting us, as obvious as we breathe. Why? There’s not food enogh for all on the table. But more important, I want to talk about trees, which breathe in contrary direction to us.
Turgor cell, is a happy cell

If i had a lot of free food, forever, I would eat and get faaaaaat. Now, imagine that you are a tree with all that food. The development of the individual is positive to their growth, but that’s not the only thing a tree needs to live, there’s also light and water.

Greenhouse effect produced the global warming. The last one is about heat, the rising of global temperature