Wednesday, June 13

FreeTopic♥ Killer Whale.

A FREE TOPIC TODAY! And I’m going to talk about the most magnificent animal in the world: The killer whale♥, a sea mammal.

This animal is wonderful in every sense. They could be killers, but they don’t kill human been, and that’s because they just eat what their ancestors ate… and yes, they have the possibilities to eat human any day and pass their new diet to their progeny.

The main feature of this animal is his color: Black and white. White on the underside and around his eyes; and black in their back, including finds.

Leaving out the appearance, this is my favorite animal, principally, because of their teamwork. To hunt, they 
work together and, all that they hunt goes to the youngest members of the pods (where they live in groups) and the oldest, and the rest for the others. Their teamwork is impressive; they just know what to do in the moment that they have to do it. Another aspect that I think it’s outstanding it’s that, the species that they hunt are powerful that they are, and that’s why they have to work together to eat and survive.  

Probably not wise that the orca, like the humans, have different way to communicate to each other, depending in the place where they live; like have different languages. I mean, to me this is something amazing, because, we all know cats… and cat meow here, and there, as well as in the united stated and China. But the killer Whales have different languages and different way to communicate both verbally a bodily.

Also, I want you to know that the killer whales are one of the fastest animals in the sea with a record of 55 km/h and also one of the most widespread on earth.

Finally, I have bad news. The killer whales are in lower risk and the global threats including hunting, human disturbance, habitat loss, prey depletion, pollution, entanglement in nets and collisions with vessels. Orcas used to be killed by people to obtain meat and oil, but commercial hunting ceased during the 1980s.

-The End- 

Wednesday, June 6

"Changing Education Paradigms"

Ok. Todays assigment is talk and give an opinion about the video by Ken Robinson: "Changing education paradigms". And he started presenting the principal topic, which is "That every country of earth at the moment is reforming public education, and there are two reasons for it.

  • First is about economy. Just because it is unpredictable today
  • Second is about culture. we are trying to preserved our roots, and we are learning all because of what happened, we are doing what we are doing because of the adults's mistakes... and thats mistakes is what we definitely don't have to do.

The adults said that we have to study and then we have to have a job, but today the children don't believe that, and the adults take that as a mind disorder. But what they don't think is that the corrently system of education was designed,  conceived and estructured for a different age, in the intellectual culture of the enlightment and the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution. Certeinly, in that epoc there were people who said "NO" to the education and that's because that the people who had not money did not deserve education (that was a primitive way of thinking) And if you did not have money, you are a part of the non-smart people. This system has prompted chaos.

As I mentioned, the children think that this system does not work so we give them ritalin xD and we are taking them away from all the stuff that doesn't let them pay attention and we give them boring assigment.

But then, Ken Robinson says that the education is modeled about what the society needs, not about what we want to be or what we want to contribute to it.

Finally, Robinson said that we all have the potential to be geniuses, but we all lose our "geniusity" as we educate. And the great learning happens in groups, colaboration is the stuff of growth, but the system forces us to work alone as individuals.

This audio really makes me grow♥

-- The End --

Wednesday, May 30

A Lovely pic.

This photo was taken for me to the son that I steal to my aunt. He is Feñi (I'm not going to write his full name because of some reasons) and he has a disease without a cure and he is going to teletón. He is 4 years old and it's like my little brother. I took this picture one day when he woke up surprisingly happy and I was bored so I began to take pictures. This was my favourite of all of them. This was on summer, one day in the morning. 
Feñi look like a one and a half years old baby but he is actually 4. 

Feña has hydrocephalus, that is a disease. This disease it's when water enters into the head and it grows in a desproportionate way with your body, affecting the grouth and brain. He live with his mother, brother and sister near to my mom so is easy to see him everytime that I want. I love him, and I really want him to get better.

Regards C: 

It's takes a legend... to make a STAR


It's a musical film directed by Steven Antin and the main character are Ali Rose (Christina Aguilera), Tess (Cher) and Jack (Cam Gigantet)

Plot: Ali is a waitress from Iowa who wishes to leave her native town to goes to the big city L.A. Thanks to her perseverance and without the permission of the owner of the local. Waiting for and audition to performance on the stage, her boss is allos that she became a back-up dance. When Ali has to replace a drunk partner, the last one get mad and when it's Ali's turn to do playback, the other woman turn the speakers of. Ali was frozen so she just started to sing, let all the crowd stunned with her voice. That's how Tess, the boss, started doing the show around her. Then, Ali began to feel things for Jack, the barman and her roommate and they start a relationship. Ali Finally helps Tess with her economics problems. And Ali and Jack live together.

Actors: The main Actress is Christina Aguilera and this is her very best time as one. Then we have Cher with extensive experience returns to the big screen And Cam Giganget as the suitor of the movie (Splittle *-*)

This is my favourite movie for the time being... because I like when the main character has a secret and then everybody knows it. I get nervous in all of movies tah are like this topic, I loved it :)

Bye ;)


My favourite piece of tecnology it's my dear microcomponent because when I turn it on and I close my eyes with the lights off it's like my own temple of peace. I don't know... I just love it, it's dvd, radio, mp3, peace, love, nature and all in one♥.

I got my microcomponent 3 Christmas ago and my mother bought it to me... (if brother, someday read this it was santa ._.) C:

It's my way to make the people know that this is my space and I want to be alone and forget all around me. Trying to relax forgetting university

My microcomponent it's completely black with silver buttoms and around the speakers it's brown like wood. I use it practically everyday to listen to music or watching movies.

I think that without it my life it would be a complete disaster. I mean, my life is a disaster and I use it to cause  something like a catharsis and get rid of stress.


Wednesday, April 18

Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off.

My favourite band is: Panic! at the Disco.

And I've never been in a concert of them because when I realize that I like the band they've not came to Chile anymore...
I love the style and the way they express their feelings in their music.
At the beginning they were 4 members in the band: Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith,  Ryan Ross and Jon Walker, but the last two said that the band would not be successful and they left it.

Brendon Urie is the lead vocalis, rhythm guitar and song-writter of the band. He was born in Summerling, Nevada, on April 12th, 1987.

Spencer Smih is the drummer of the band and he was raised in Las Vegas, Nevada.

                                                      Brendon Urie                            Spencer Smith

Since the beginning of the ban to present, they've recorded 3 studio albums, and 3 live albums.
Studio Albums: A fever you can't sweet out, Pretty. Odd. and Vices & Virtues. My favourite one is the last, because of the style and the rhythm, the style in their last album is pop rock, like in their first album. And, in my opinion, I think the're great and they should come to go to their concert.

The first song that I heard from this band is I write sins not tragedies, and became automaticly into my favourite.

Now, one of the last video that they recorded was Ready To Go (get me out of my mind). 

You have to watch it.


P.S.: The name of my blog it's from a song of P!atd Called let's kill tonight


Monday, April 16

You're late, you're late... for very important date.

Hi, my name is Paula, I'm 18 years old and I live in Puente Alto, near to mall Plaza Tobalaba. I like to listen to music and watch anime. I used to live with my mother and little brother, but because of the university, I moved here, to Puente Alto.  
My hobbies are, just like I said, listen to music, watch anime, read mangas and fanfics, and practice roller-skating. My favourite favourite favourite is roller-skate *-*♥. It's feel so good, and practice while I'm listening to music it's much better. 
A frustrated dream that I have is: Skating on ice. It's my favourite sport to watch on tv, and even if I don't know how to turn to left or right, I would like to learn to do all those kind of things. 
The anime was like a distraction in an epoch when I was to sad to think in important things. And, in fact, I discovered one of the hobbies that I use most part of my time.
I graduated from school, Melford College, last year, 2011, and it's not worth to remember.
I'm still in contact with my friends in Quilicura, thanks to facebook, and I would like to see them soon.
I went to an English institute like a year and a half, but it wasn't very useful, and it wasn't much fun like I thought.
When I had to postulate to the university, I thought that I would not be here, so I postulated to Universidad Austral too... and look where I am 
Regaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards to all.
