Wednesday, May 30

A Lovely pic.

This photo was taken for me to the son that I steal to my aunt. He is Feñi (I'm not going to write his full name because of some reasons) and he has a disease without a cure and he is going to teletón. He is 4 years old and it's like my little brother. I took this picture one day when he woke up surprisingly happy and I was bored so I began to take pictures. This was my favourite of all of them. This was on summer, one day in the morning. 
Feñi look like a one and a half years old baby but he is actually 4. 

Feña has hydrocephalus, that is a disease. This disease it's when water enters into the head and it grows in a desproportionate way with your body, affecting the grouth and brain. He live with his mother, brother and sister near to my mom so is easy to see him everytime that I want. I love him, and I really want him to get better.

Regards C: 

It's takes a legend... to make a STAR


It's a musical film directed by Steven Antin and the main character are Ali Rose (Christina Aguilera), Tess (Cher) and Jack (Cam Gigantet)

Plot: Ali is a waitress from Iowa who wishes to leave her native town to goes to the big city L.A. Thanks to her perseverance and without the permission of the owner of the local. Waiting for and audition to performance on the stage, her boss is allos that she became a back-up dance. When Ali has to replace a drunk partner, the last one get mad and when it's Ali's turn to do playback, the other woman turn the speakers of. Ali was frozen so she just started to sing, let all the crowd stunned with her voice. That's how Tess, the boss, started doing the show around her. Then, Ali began to feel things for Jack, the barman and her roommate and they start a relationship. Ali Finally helps Tess with her economics problems. And Ali and Jack live together.

Actors: The main Actress is Christina Aguilera and this is her very best time as one. Then we have Cher with extensive experience returns to the big screen And Cam Giganget as the suitor of the movie (Splittle *-*)

This is my favourite movie for the time being... because I like when the main character has a secret and then everybody knows it. I get nervous in all of movies tah are like this topic, I loved it :)

Bye ;)


My favourite piece of tecnology it's my dear microcomponent because when I turn it on and I close my eyes with the lights off it's like my own temple of peace. I don't know... I just love it, it's dvd, radio, mp3, peace, love, nature and all in one♥.

I got my microcomponent 3 Christmas ago and my mother bought it to me... (if brother, someday read this it was santa ._.) C:

It's my way to make the people know that this is my space and I want to be alone and forget all around me. Trying to relax forgetting university

My microcomponent it's completely black with silver buttoms and around the speakers it's brown like wood. I use it practically everyday to listen to music or watching movies.

I think that without it my life it would be a complete disaster. I mean, my life is a disaster and I use it to cause  something like a catharsis and get rid of stress.
