Monday, August 11

1~* We have to believe what we know

Yann Arthur Bertrand talks about our impact emitting CO2 and shows some examples, like the people in Alberta. They work 24/7 extracting oil from the ground and we consume three times what we get. Oil’s not infinite.
Also show how the corals in New Caledonia will be wiped about 2050 in cause of the global warming, been this creatures very important for the biodiversity of the sea.
Then, we have the North Pole. The density has decrease as much to create a new way open between atlantic and pacific.
Kilimanjaro without ice and the mountain glacier will be gone, just with 20% of the original ice.
I love to eat fish on weekend, when I can eat with my mom and my brother, in family. This men is telling us that there is an over exploitation of these animals and all of them will be extinguish in 2050.
In Africa there’s no enough food and they eat corn mostly. America uses this nourishment to feed their animals or to do oil.
All of this communicates by itself how selfish our society can be with dwellers in other countries, cities, or even homes. Like we just want the best for our family and friends… and the histories and misfortune from people we don’t know it’s not our business. How, in just 50 years, we altered the whole world and the only one who is crying for it, are ourselves.      

This video shows us a very sensitive part of the world, what doesn’t divide you is the union with the person beside you, and if you’re standing on the same ground, you know what does mean.
Be charitable.    

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