Tuesday, May 14

7* Picture

Ok, I did not found any good picture to show so I will use that one à
This happened one summer ago, in 2012; when I was a little obsessed with my cats. I was after them all the time to take good pictures and then post it on facebook… now that I recognize it sounds super weird… What I love the most about it, It’s the fact, that it really look like it was taken by a professional photographer, something really strange just because it was taken for me, using my “new” camera… which is already broken.
This was when, as you already though; I had a lot of free time and nothing to do with it. As well as I was alone in my home at 10 am because of my mother’s work, so I used to pursuit my cat sometimes.
Well, its name now is Rafael –Rafi, Siri Rá, Rafito, Rufi- , it’s one year and a half (I think), and it’s the most stronger of all my cats… he is completely black, one of my ninjas. 

1 comment:

  1. very nice photo , although I don`t like cats!
    Be careful with your prepositions!
    C U
