Wednesday, June 13

FreeTopic♥ Killer Whale.

A FREE TOPIC TODAY! And I’m going to talk about the most magnificent animal in the world: The killer whale♥, a sea mammal.

This animal is wonderful in every sense. They could be killers, but they don’t kill human been, and that’s because they just eat what their ancestors ate… and yes, they have the possibilities to eat human any day and pass their new diet to their progeny.

The main feature of this animal is his color: Black and white. White on the underside and around his eyes; and black in their back, including finds.

Leaving out the appearance, this is my favorite animal, principally, because of their teamwork. To hunt, they 
work together and, all that they hunt goes to the youngest members of the pods (where they live in groups) and the oldest, and the rest for the others. Their teamwork is impressive; they just know what to do in the moment that they have to do it. Another aspect that I think it’s outstanding it’s that, the species that they hunt are powerful that they are, and that’s why they have to work together to eat and survive.  

Probably not wise that the orca, like the humans, have different way to communicate to each other, depending in the place where they live; like have different languages. I mean, to me this is something amazing, because, we all know cats… and cat meow here, and there, as well as in the united stated and China. But the killer Whales have different languages and different way to communicate both verbally a bodily.

Also, I want you to know that the killer whales are one of the fastest animals in the sea with a record of 55 km/h and also one of the most widespread on earth.

Finally, I have bad news. The killer whales are in lower risk and the global threats including hunting, human disturbance, habitat loss, prey depletion, pollution, entanglement in nets and collisions with vessels. Orcas used to be killed by people to obtain meat and oil, but commercial hunting ceased during the 1980s.

-The End- 

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